Thank you for visiting the Our Lady of the Valley parish website! We have been serving Catholic believers and our local community since 1963 celebrating God's love through our participation in liturgy, prayer, service and fellowship.

Faith Formation

Children’s Faith Formation

(Pre-Kindergarten through 7th Grade)


To teach children about their Catholic faith, and to prepare them for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.  To convey to students their dignity as sons and daughters of the Father, made in His image.  To strengthen students' faith, so they develop lifelong habits of attending Mass and participating in the Sacramental life of the Church.


Children are registered for Tuesdays or Wednesdays, whichever day works best for each family.  Class begins at 4:00 PM and ends at 5:30 PM.  The school year 2024-2025 will begin on September 3, 2024 and end on April 30, 2025.  Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten share the same classroom.  Many lessons use manipulatives during this early stage of learning.  Grades first through seventh have a traditional classroom setup with small class sizes and dedicated catechists.

For more information, please contact the Director of Religious Education:

Jamie Fishgold, Director of Religious Education

520-625-4536 ext. 104

Sylvia Barajas, Religious Education Coordinator

520-625-4536 ext. 115

Youth Altar Servers


The purpose of the Youth Altar Servers is to serve the clergy by preparing for the celebration of the Mass, serving them during the Mass, and by cleaning up the Altar after the Mass.

For additional information regarding the Altar Server Program contact Madeline Cotsonas by email at


Children who are between the ages of 7 - 16 and have received First Holy Eucharist are invited to become Youth Altar Servers.  They are required to attend training and practice as needed and be available to serve at Sunday Mass when assigned.  

Click here to download the Registration Form.  Please note that the Parish Office does not automatically receive the completed form. Form must be downloaded to be emailed as an attachment.  

Click here for online Tuition Payment.

Click here for 2024-2025 Religious Education Calendar for Grades K-7

Faith Formation