Thank you for visiting the Our Lady of the Valley parish website! We have been serving Catholic believers and our local community since 1963 celebrating God's love through our participation in liturgy, prayer, service and fellowship.

Outreach Ministries

The mission of the outreach ministries is to provide people-to-people contact extending spiritual, emotional, social, and physical support.

Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound - Members of this ministry take Holy Communion to the homebound or to those in assisted living centers or nursing homes. Call the parish office for information on training and scheduling.

Come Home Ministry - Catholics who have not been active in their faith and wish to return to the church are given guidance on returning to full and active participation. 

Mission Helpers - members meets monthly to sort and pack donated materials to be used by missionaries abroad or in isolated areas.

Respect Life – this ministry promotes the sanctity of human life, educates the community on our moral obligations to end abortion, support the Catholic Church on pro-life issues, and communicates related events for national and local participation.

Sandwiches for the Poor – sandwiches are made on the first, third, and fifth Wednesdays and on the second Monday of the month at 6:30AM in the Holy Family Center.  They are then delivered to shelters in Tucson.

Stephen Ministry - Stephen Ministers are trained lay volunteers ready to offer God’s love through a Christian caring relationship on a one-on-one basis to the bereaved, hospitalized, terminally ill, separated, divorced, unemployed, relocated, lonely and aging, or with other needs. If you know of someone who could benefit from the care of a Stephen Minister, call the Parish Office at 520-625-4536, press 8 when prompted to leave a voicemail.  Your message is confidential and will only be received by one of the trained Stephen Ministry leaders.  What is Stephen Ministry and how can they help me?

St. Vincent de Paul - Members of this ministry extend comfort, friendship, spiritual and physical support to the poor and suffering. Financial assistance is given when possible. They also run a thrift store located behind Our Lady of the Valley Church which is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9AM to Noon. Contributions of new and used items to sell are always appreciated.  If you are seeking assistance, call 520-625-4536, press 9, and leave your name and number; someone will return your call.

Women's Guild - this group participates in several activities to promote fellowship, spiritual growth, and service to the parish. The quilting group makes lap quilts which are donated to local charities.