Catholic Daughters of the Americas - This group supports the Holy Father, Bishops, and Priests of the Church by raising funds through varied activities. Monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday at 9:00 AM in Rm. 213. All female members of the parish are invited to join.
Catholic Vintage Singles Group - This is a social group open to Catholic singles 55 or older. Meetings are on the 1st Saturday at 2PM in Rm. 213. A list of activities for the month is available in the parish office.
Coffee and Donuts - Coffee and donuts are provided after the 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, and 11:00 AM Masses on the second Sunday of the month from October through May.
Knights of Columbus Council #6842 - The Knights of Columbus is a national Catholic Men’s fraternal and charitable organization. All men are invited to join. COUNCIL #6842 meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. 4TH DEGREE ASSEMBLY #1918 meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Call the Parish Office at 520-625-4536 and select Otption 6 when prompted, leave a message and someone will return your call. For more information, visit
Line Dancing - The line dancers are an interfaith group that meets weekly to learn new dances and perform for residents of local care facilities. Line dancers meet on Thursday mornings in the Hall. All are invited.
Special Events Committee - This group plans for special parish-sponsored social events to bring parishioners together in fellowship.