Thank you for visiting the Our Lady of the Valley parish website! We have been serving Catholic believers and our local community since 1963 celebrating God's love through our participation in liturgy, prayer, service and fellowship.

Adult Faith Formation

Adult Faith Formation

Various classes are scheduled with local or guest speakers, forums, film and book discussions and discussion groups for interested adults. Classes will be announced in the parish bulletin.

Come Home Ministry
Catholics who have not been active in the church are prepared to return to full and active participation. Download the Come Home Contact Form (available on the downloadable forms page) and return the completed form to the parish office or contact Barbara Hall at 520-625-4319.

Order of Catholic Initiation for Adults (OCIA)
Adults who have not been baptized, who have been baptized in another Christian denomination or baptized Catholics who have not received the sacraments of Eucharist or confirmation are prepared to be fully initiated into the Catholic faith community. Contact Renee Villani at 520-245-6849.

Adult Bible Study
Provides the opportunity to study the scriptures in accordance with sound, authorized Catholic teaching.